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Last mile healthcare for everyone


The Ally Health platform enables efficient clinical care tasks in the community. Appointments are created and managed using our dashboard or API.

If you have any questions about how best to integrate our API please contact us using the intercom widget at the bottom right of this page.

Integration Overview for Ecommerce

This presentation details the key decisions, watchpoints and provides example integration flows for a typical ecommerce checkout flow.


Let's get on the same page with how we refer to things.

AppointmentAn Appointment is where the Practitioner meets the Patient at the scheduled time to perform the Task. Appointments can take place at home, work or other suitable private location. All locations must be within our coverage area
OrganisationAn Organisation is your trust, business, company, charity or other entity that has an account on the Ally Health platform. You are able to customise messaging, Tasks and integrations that are unique to your Organisation
PatientA Patient is someone who receives clinical care through the Ally platform
PractitionerA Practitioner is a healthcare professional that conducts the Appointment. The Ally Health platform ensures that only Practitioners with the correct skills, up to date training and credentials carry out specific Appointments
TaskA Task is a container for all the actions, procedures and activities that need to happen in an Appointment. The Task may include a medical procedure, such as Venipuncture for blood test (SNOMED ID: 28520004), as well as administrative activities such as "Courier sample to laboratory" or "Take photo of wound area."

Tasks are designed collaboratively during your Organisation's onboarding, and are customised to your Organisation's needs
UserA User is someone who logs into our dashboard. A User may be a Patient, Practitioner or an employee of your Organisation
WindowA Window is a time window in which we commit the Appointment will take place. A typical Window is: Early - 7AM to 9AM or PM - 1PM to 5PM. The Window enables us to route Practitioner effectively between Appointments in order to improve efficiency of the service